

Book cover: Imaginary Greece, The contexts of Mythology

Book cover: Imaginary Greece: The Contexts of Mythology

Published works

  • (B1) (with D.J. Anderson) A Pocket Etymology of Medical Terms. Bristol Classical Press, 1981. ISBN: 0-86292-015-9
  • (B2) (with D.J. Anderson) How to Dissect and Understand Medical Terms (Revised and expanded version of B1.) Royal Society of Medicine Services, 1992. ISBN: 185315-182-3
  • (B3) Persuasion in Greek Tragedy: a Study of Peitho. Cambridge University Press, 1982; reissued as a Digital Paperback Reprint (2010). ISBN: 978-0-521-13673-0
  • (B4) Sophocles. Greece and Rome New Surveys in the Classics, no. 16. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1984. ISBN: 0-903035-138
    • (B5) Sophocles. Second edition of B4, incorporating Addenda for scholarship between 1983 and 1995 (same publisher as first edition; 1995). ISBN: 0-903035-138
    • (B6) Imaginary Greece: The Contexts of Mythology. Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN: 0-521-33865-4
    • Translations of (B6)

      Book cover with Trojan Horse illustration: The Complete World of Greek Mythology

      Book cover: The Complete World of Greek Mythology

      • (B7) La Grèce de l’imaginaire, French translation, published by La Découverte, Paris, 1996. ISBN: 2-7071-2566-0
      • (B8) La Grecia dell’ immaginario, Italian translation, published by La Nuova Italia Editrice, Florence, 1997 . ISBN: 88-221-2515-0
      • (B9) El imaginario griego, Spanish translation; Cambridge University Press Spanish imprints, Madrid, 2000. ISBN: 84-8323-078-X
      • (B10), Οψεις του φαντασιακού στην αρχαια Ελλάδα, Greek translation, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, 2002. ISBN: 960-12-1059-8
      • (B11), Chinese translation, East China Normal University Press, Shanghai, 2014. ISBN:  9787567520073
    • (B12) From Myth to Reason? Essays on the Development of Greek Thought, edited and introduced by Richard Buxton, Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-815234-5
    • (B13) Oxford Readings in Greek Religion, edited and introduced by Richard Buxton, Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-19-872191-9
    • (B14) The Complete World of Greek Mythology, Thames and Hudson, London, 2004. ISBN: 0-500-25121-5
    • Translations of (B14):
      • Book Cover: Forms of Astonishment

        Book Cover: Forms of Astonishment

        • (B15) Todos los dioses de la Grecia, Spanish translation, Oberon, Madrid, 2004. ISBN: 84-96052-64-8
        • (B16) Griekse Mythologie, Dutch translation, The House of Books, Antwerp, 2004. ISBN: 90-443-1117-4
        • (B17) Das grosse Buch der griechischen Mythologie, German translation, Theiss, Stuttgart, 2005. ISBN: 3-8062-1898-6
        • (B18) A Görög Mitológia Világa, Hungarian translation, Alexandra, Pécs, 2004. ISBN: 963-368-760-8
        • (B19) Οι Ελληνικοί μύθοι, Greek translation, Ekdoseis Patake, Athens, 2005. ISBN: 960-16-1556-3
        • (B20) La Mitologia greca: Fonti, luoghi e iconografia, Italian translation, Logos, Milan, 2006. ISBN: 88-7940-475-X
        • (B21) Lumea Completa a Mitologiei Grecesti, Rumanian translation, Aquila, Oradea, 2006. ISBN: 973-714-107-5
        • (B22) Den grekiska mytologins värld, Swedish translation, Prisma, Stockholm, 2007. ISBN: 978-91-518-4583-8
        • (B23) Japanese translation, Toyo Shorin, Tokyo, 2007. ISBN: 978-4-88721-731-7
        • (B24) Yunan Mitolojisi, Turkish translation, Alfa, Istanbul, 2016. ISBN: 978-605-171-306-9
        • (B25) O mundo completo da mitologia grega, Portuguese translation, Editora Vozes, Petrópolis, 2019. ISBN: 978-85-326-6096-1
        • (B26) Chinese translation, Jiuzhou Press, Beijing, 2023. ISBN: 978-7-5225-0965-5

Book cover: Cyclops: The Myth and its Cultural History

Book cover: Cyclops: The Myth and its Cultural History

  • (B27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36) Co-editor of vols. I-VIII, Abbreviations/Index volume for vols. I-V, and complete Index volume for vols. I-VIII, of Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2004-14:
    • Vol. I: ISBN: 0-89236-788-1
    • Vol. II: ISBN: 0-89236-789-X
    • Vol. III: ISBN: 0-89236-790-3
    • Vol. IV: ISBN: 0-89236-791-1
    • Vol. V: ISBN: 0-89236-792-X
    • Vol. VI: ISBN: 978-1-60606-073-5
    • Abbreviations/Index for vols. I-V: ISBN: 978-0-89236-793-1
    • Vol. VII: ISBN: 978-089236-787-0
    • Vol. VIII: ISBN: 978-1-60606-102-2
    • Index for vols. I-VIII: ISBN: 978-1-60606-328-6
    • (B37) Forms of Astonishment: Greek Myths of Metamorphosis. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-19-924549-9.

    Book cover: The Greek Myths That Shape The Way We Think, by Richard Buxton. Illustration: mythical character fighting snakes

    Book cover: The Greek Myths That Shape The Way We Think

  • (B41) (co-authored with Mercedes Aguirre) Cyclops: The Myth and its Cultural History, Oxford University Press, 2020. ISBN: 978-0-19-871377-7
    The book features in a discussion with Richard and Mercedes on  the Ithaca Bound podcast.
  • (B42) Translator of The Unfinished Painting, by Mercedes Aguirre, The Book Guild, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-91-320874-5
  • (B43 )The Greek Myths that Shape the Way We ThinkThames and Hudson. ISBN: 978-0-500-51880-9
  • Translations of (B42)
      • (B44) Russian translation, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, Moscow, 2023. ISBN: 978-5-00195-911-3


  • (A1) ‘Frenchmen and Greeks: le structuralisme’ , Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments 6,1977, 12-13.
  • (A2) ‘Blindness and limits: Sophokles and the logic of myth’ , Journal of Hellenic Studies 100,1980, 22-37.
  • (A3) Introduction (pp. ix-xvii) to Myth, Religion and Society, ed. R. L. Gordon, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
  • (A4) ‘Wolves and werewolves in Greek and Roman mythology’ , Proceedings of the Classical Association 80,1983, 22-3.
  • (A5) ‘Wolves and werewolves in Greece’ , Omnibus 10,1985, 8-9.
  • (A6) ‘Euripides’ Alkestis: five aspects of an interpretation’ , Dodoni (Philologia) 14,1985, 75-90.
  • (A7) ‘Classical scholars and linen jackets’ , University (publ. by University of Bristol), no. 6, Aug. 28, 1986, 24-6.
  • (A8) ‘Wolves and werewolves in Greek thought’ , in Interpretations of Greek Mythology , ed. J. N. Bremmer, Croom Helm, Beckenham, 1987, 60-79.
  • (A9) ‘Euripides’ Alkestis: five aspects of an interpretation’ , in Papers given at a Colloquium on Greek Drama in honour of R.P. Winnington-Ingram , Suppl. Paper no. 15 publ. by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1987, 17-31. (Modified version of A6.)
  • (A10) ‘Le voile et le silence dans Alceste’ , in Anthropologie et théâtre antique, Cahiers du GITA, no. 3, Univ. of Montpellier, 1987. (French adaptation of A6.)
  • (A11) ‘The gods in Sophocles’ , Diethnis Synantisi: Archaiou Ellinikou Dramatos, Athens, 1987, 9-14.
  • (A12) ‘Myth and mythology’ , article in Macropaedia of The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1988 edn., vol. 24, pp. 710-27. (Revision of existing entry by Kees W. Bolle and J. Z. Smith.)
  • (A13) ‘Bafflement in Greek tragedy’ , Métis 3, 1988, 41-51.
  • (A14) ‘The messenger and the maenads: a speech from Euripides’ Bacchae’ , Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 32, 1989, 225-34.
  • (A15) Adapted reprint of A2, in Sophocles: Modern Critical Views, ed. H. Bloom, Chelsea House, New York, 1990, 105-26.
  • (A16) ‘News from Cithaeron: narrators and narratives in the Bacchae’ , Pallas 37, 1991, 39-48.
  • (A17) ‘Qui était Sophocle?’ , article in programme (pp. 6-8) of production of Ajax and Philoctetes by the Comédie de Reims at the Odéon, Paris, 31 Jan.-23 Feb. 1992.
  • (A18) ‘Le centaure anglais: l’espace ‘initiatique’ dans Henry IV de Shakespeare’ , in L’Initiation, ed. A. Moreau, vol. II, Montpellier, 1992, 153-61.
  • (A19) ‘Iphigénie au bord de la mer’ , Pallas 38, 1992, 209-15.
  • (A20) ‘Imaginary Greek mountains’ , Journal of Hellenic Studies 112, 1992, 1-15.
  • (A21) ‘Montagnes mythiques, montagnes tragiques’ , Ktèma 15 (‘1990’; actually appeared 1994), 163-72. (French version partially corresponding to A20 above.)
  • (A22) ‘Psychologie et paysage dans l’Europe de Moschos’ , in Actes du 25ème Congrès de l’APLAES, 1992, 33-41.
  • (A23) Japanese translation of A2, plus profile of work of Richard Buxton. Journal of Seishu University 2 (1995), 95-118.
  • (A24) Profile of P.E. Easterling, in CA News, December 1995, 6.
  • (A25) ‘Ο Σοφοκλής στο 1995’ , Dodoni 1995, 129-39.
  • (A26) ‘What can you rely on in Oedipus Rex?’ , in Tragedy and the Tragic, ed. M.S. Silk, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, 38-48.
  • (A27) ‘Montagnes mythiques, montagnes ’  (cf. A21), reprinted in Nature et paysage dans la pensée et l’environment des civilisations antiques, ed. G. Siebert, De Boccard, Paris, 1996, 59-68.
  • (A28) ‘Twin peaks of ancient Greece’ , Newsletter of University of Bristol 6 June 1996, 4-5.
  • (A29) ‘Myths ancient and modern’ , Nonesuch 7 no. 29 University of Bristol, 1997, 36-9.
  • (A30) ‘Oedipus the King, or: thinking the unthinkable, Dionysus 4 , 1996, 35-7.
  • (A31) ‘Religion and myth’ , chapter in Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece, ed. P. Cartledge, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, 320-344.
  • (A32). ‘The aesthetics of Greek tragedy’ , article in The Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics, ed. M. Kelly, Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 1998, vol. 4, 396-399.
  • (A33) ‘Greek Mythology’ , entry in Encarta Encyclopaedia 1999 and subsequent years.
  • (A34) ‘Les yeux de Médée: le regard et la magie dans les Argonautiques d’Apollonios de Rhodes’ , in La magie. 2. La magie dans l’antiquité grecque tardive. Les mythes, edd. A. Moreau and J.-C. Turpin, Montpellier, 2000, 265-75.
  • (A35) German translation of A31, publ. as Kulturgeschichte Griechenlands in der Antike, Stuttgart, 2000; Richard Buxton’s chapter ‘Religion und Mythos’  is at 324-48.
  • (A36) ‘Metamorfose en religie bij de oude Grieken: een ‘vreemde’ geloof’ , in Raster 95, 2001, 94-109.
  • (A37) ‘Time, space and ideology: tragic myths and the Athenian polis’ , in Mitos en la literatura griega arcaica y clasica, ed. J. A. López Férez, Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 2002, 175-89.
  • (A38) ‘The myth of Talos’ , in Nottingham Classical Literature Studies 6, ed. C. Atherton, Levante, Bari, 2002, 83-112.
  • (A39) ‘Deux mondes de l’Iliade’ , in Europe, May 2001, 48-58.
  • (A40) ‘Euripides’ Alkestis: five aspects of an interpretation’  (= A9), reprinted in Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Euripides, ed. J. Mossman, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, 170-86.
  • (A 41) ‘Критский Эрос, или странные судьбы Ариадны’  (‘Cretan love, or the complicated fates of Ariadne’), article in Русская антропологичесая школа. Труды (Russian Anthropological Schoool. Works) vol. I, Moscow, 2004, 302-9.
  • (A42) ‘Los amores de Ariadna’ , Revista de Arqueología 25, no. 277, 2004, 14-23.
  • (A43) Lecture published as bilingual booklet in Russian/Engl.: Герой греческих трагедий: человек или супермен?, Moscow, 2004. (‘Greek tragic heroes: men or supermen?’).
  • (A44) ‘The Herakles myth’ , 6-page programme note for Greek theatre performance at Epidauros/Delphi, June-July 2004.
  • (A45) ‘Similes and other likenesses’ , in Cambridge Companion to Homer, ed. R. L. Fowler, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, 139-55.
  • (A46) Greek translation of (A31), publ. as Η εικονογραφημένη ιστορία της Αρχαίας Ελλάδας του Κέιμπριτζ , Zacharopoulos S. I., Athens, 2004; Richard Buxton’s chapter ‘Threskeia kai muthos’ is at 320-44.
  • (A47) ‘Cretan love: the complicated fates of Ariadne’ , in Proceedings of Symposium on Eros, held at Delphi, Sept. 19-21, 2003. Publ. by Lentakis Foundation, 2005, 37-40; also, Conclusions of Symposium by Richard Buxton, 214-15.
  • (A48) ‘Weapons and day’s white horses: the language of Ajax’ , in Sophocles and the Greek Language, edd. I. J. F. de Jong and A. Rijksbaron, Brill, Leiden, 2006, 13-23.
  • (A49) ‘Tragedy and Greek myth’ , in Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology, ed. R. Woodard, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007, 166-89.
  • (A50) ‘Weapons and day’s white horses: the language of Ajax and Macbeth, in Proceedings of XIIth International Meeting on Ancient Greek Drama, 2004, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 41-8.
  • (A51) ‘Feminized males in Bacchae: the importance of discrimination’ , in Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition, edd. S. Goldhill and E. Hall, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, 232-50.
  • (A52) ‘What can myths of metamorphosis stories teach us about ancient Greek religion?’  in Religion: Lehre und Praxis. Akten des Kolloquiums Basel, 22 Oktober 2004. Archaiognosia, Supplementband 8, Athens, 2009, 49-59.
  • (A53) ‘The significance (or insignificance) of blackness in mythological names’ , in Myths, Martyrs and Modernity, edd. J. Dijkstra, J. Kroesen and Y. Kuiper, Brill, Leiden, 2010, 31-41.
  • (A54) ‘How Medea moves: versions of a myth in Apollonius and elsewhere’ , in Unbinding Medea. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st century, edd. H. Bartel & A. Simon, Legenda, Oxford, 2010, 25-38.
  • (A55) ‘Metamorphoses of gods into animals and humans’ , in The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations, edd. J. Bremmer and A. Erskine, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2010, 81-91.
  • (A56) Lives and deaths of the Greek gods, heroes, and historical figures, on-line (2010) in e-journal published in connection with Athens Dialogues project.
  • (A57) ‘The significance (or insignificance) of blackness in mythological names’ , in Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion, edd. E. Karakantza and M. Christopoulos, Lexington Books, Lanham MD, 2010, 3-13.
  • (A58) ‘En el principio. Los origines de los seres humanos en la mitología griega y en algunas otras mitologías’ , in Mitos sobre el origen del hombre, edd. A. Bernabé and J. Pérez de Tudela, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 2010, 31-55.
  • (A59) ‘The boundary between male and female in Bacchae: the importance of discrimination’ , in Grenzen in Ritual und Kult der Antike, ed. M.A. Guggisberg, Schwabe Verlag, Basel, 2013, 35-45.
  • (A60) ‘What is “Classical” civilisation? The case of ancient Greece’, in Civilisation, edd. K. Almquist and A. Linklater, Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Stockholm, 2014, 71-8.
  • (A61) Fantasmas y religión entre los griegos: contextos y control’ , in Fantasmas, aparecidos y muertos sin descanso, edd. M. Aguirre Castro, C. Delgado-Linacero, and A. González-Rivas, Abada, Madrid, 2014, 41-53.
  • (A62) ‘An ogre in three landscapes: Cyclops in Homer, Euripides and Theokritos’ , in Human Development in Sacred Landscapes: Between Ritual Tradition, Creativity and Emotionality, edd. L. Käppel and V. Pothou, V & R Unipress, Göttingen, 2015, 147-54.
  • (A63) ‘Mount Etna in the Greco-Roman imaginaire: culture and liquid fire’ , in Valuing Landscape in Classical Antiquity: Natural Environment and Cultural Imagination, edd.  J. McInerney and I. Sluiter, Brill, Leiden, 2016, 25-45.
  • (A64) ‘Landscapes of the Cyclopes’, in Myths on the Map: The Storied Landscapes of Ancient Greece, ed. G. Hawes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 52-64.
  • (A65) ‘My friends, Outis is killing me by a trick oude by violence’, in Line of Enquiry: Favourite Lines from Classical Literature, ed. P. Corcoran, Trinity College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2017, 34-5.
  • (A66) Foreword to Greek Myths and Tales, Flame Tree Publishing, London, 2017.
  • (A67) Introduction to S. Syropoulos, A Bestiary of Monsters in Greek Mythology, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 2018, vii-viii.
  • (A68) Contributor to O. Murray, ‘The reception of Vernant in the English-speaking world’, History of Classical Scholarship 2, 2020, 131-57.
  • (A69) (co-authored with Mercedes Aguirre) ‘The Cyclops: portrait of an ogre’, Biblical Archaeology Review, Summer 2022, 14-15.
  • (A70) ‘Amazons: an ancient Greek thought experiment’, British Museum Magazine, Issue 105, Spring/Summer 2023, 46-49.
  • (A71) ‘From Helios to Asklepios: Contrasting and complementary perceptions of divinity’, in Religion and Cult in the Dodecanese during the First Millennium BC, edd. M. I. Stefanidis, G. Mavroudis and F. K. Seroglou, Archaeopress, Oxford, 18-25.
  • (A72) (co-authored with Mercedes Aguirre), ‘Cyclopes’, in The Oxford Handbook of Monsters in Classical Myth, ed. D. Felton, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2024


  • (R1) On the Concept of Slavery in Euripides, by K. Synodinou; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 100, 1980, 219-20.
  • (R2) The Gardens of Adonis: Spices in Greek Mythology, by M. Detienne (trans. J. Lloyd); in Journal of Hellenic Studies 100, 1980, 243-4.
  • (R3) Tragedia e lotta di classe in Grecia, by V. Citti; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 101, 1981, 172.
  • (R4) La Cuisine du sacrifice en pays grec, edd. by M. Detienne and J.-P. Vernant; in Classical Review N.S. 31, 1981, 131.
  • (R5) Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, ed. by R.D. Dawe; in Bulletin Review of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers 61, 1983, v-vi.
  • (R6) Vision and Stagecraft in Sophocles, by D. Seale; in Bulletin Review of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers 62, 1983, ii.
  • (R7) L’Invention de la mythologie, by M. Detienne; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 103, 1983, 193-4.
  • (R8) Les Grecs sans miracles, by L. Gernet; in Times Literary Supplement Oct. 7, 1983, 1084.
  • (R9) Athenian Popular Religion, by J. D. Mikalson; in Times Literary Supplement March 2, 1984, 209.
  • (R10) Orion: The Myth of the Hunter, by J. Fontenrose; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 104, 1984, 223-4.
  • (R11) Lions, héros, masques. Les représentations de l’animal chez Homère, by A. Schnapp-Gourbeillon; in Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, Sept.-Oct. 1985, 1195-6.
  • (R12) Greek Religion and Society, ed. by P. E. Easterling and J. V. Muir; in Times Literary Supplement Jan.3 1986, 18.
  • (R13) Ritual Irony. Poetry and Sacrifice in Euripides, by H. P. Foley; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 107, 1987, 199-200.
  • (R14) The Greek Theater, by L. Aylen; in Dance Research 5, no. 2, Autumn 1987, 69-70, and 6, no. 2, Autumn 1988, 83.
  • (R15) Interpreting Greek Tragedy, by C. Segal; in Classical Review N.S. 38, 1988, 54-6.
  • (R16) The Poetics of Greek Tragedy, by M. Heath; in Times Literary Supplement July 15-22, 1988, 772.
  • (R17) Le Soleil et le Tartare, by A. Ballabriga; in Classical Review N.S. 38, 1988, 291-3.
  • (R18) Tragic Ambiguity, by T. C. W. Oudemans and A. P. M. H. Lardinois; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 109, 1989, 216-17.
  • (R19) Métamorphoses du mythe en Grèce antique, ed. by C. Calame; in Classical Review N.S. 40, 1990, 324-6.
  • (R20) Inventing the Barbarian, by E. Hall; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 111, 1991, 217-18.
  • (R21) Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual and Comedy, by A.M. Bowie; in Times Literary Supplement March 11, 1994, 33.
  • (R22) Theater and Society in the Classical World, ed. by R. Scodel; in Times Literary Supplement March 11, 1994, 33.
  • (R23) Gender and Immortality. Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult, by D. Lyons; in Times Literary Supplement, Jan 9, 1998, 23.
  • (R24) The Fall of Troy in Early Greek Poetry and Art, by M. J. Anderson; in Times Literary Supplement., Jan 9, 1998, 23.
  • (R25) Sotades. Symbols of Immortality on Greek Vases, by H. Hoffmann; in Times Literary Supplement, Nov. 20, 1998, 28.
  • (R26) Classical Mythology in English Literature : A Critical Anthology, ed. by G. Miles; in The Anglo-Hellenic Review, no. 20, Autumn 1999, 17.
  • (R27): Poétique des mythes dans la Grèce antique, by C. Calame; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 121, 2001, 178-9.
  • (R28): Mythes grecs I: Origines, by A. Moreau; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 121, 2001, 177-8.
  • (R29): Tragedy and Athenian Religion, by C. Sourvinou-Inwood; in Classical Review 55, no. 1, 2005, 31-3.
  • (R30): Wandering in Ancient Greek Culture, by. S. Montiglio; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 127, 2007, 195-6.
  • (R31) New Heroes in Antiquity: From Achilles to Antinoos, by C. P. Jones; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 131, 2011, 231-2.
  • (R32) Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths: an Introduction, by K. Junker (translated by Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass and Anthony Snodgrass); in Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 2013, 270-1.
  • (R33) Routes et parcours mythiques: des textes à l’archéologie, ed. by A. Meurant; in Gnomon 86, 2014, 566-7.
  • (R34) Myths of the Underworld in Contemporary Culture: the backward gaze, by J. Fletcher; in Journal of Hellenic Studies 142, 2022, 471-3.
  • (R35) The Werewolf in the Ancient World, by D. Ogden; in Gnomon 95, 2023, 227-30.